Sarah goes to Washington...
On March 4th, Shellfish Growers Climate Coalition members will be telling their stories and asking for legislative action in Washington, DC. On March 3rd, Sarah Malinowski and other SGCC members will attend workshops led by seasoned members of The Nature Conservancy that include “How to communicate with congress” and “How to tell stories they will remember.” The following day Sarah has several meetings on Capitol Hill with congressional staff members, senators and representatives.
Inspiring Action Across the Aisle
Finding bipartisan, durable solutions to the climate crisis is critically important. Sarah will be asking legislators who are representing the great state of New York in Washington to work together on saving current and future shellfish operations by:
Co-sponsoring one of the four House bipartisan carbon pricing bills:
[H.R. 4058] SWAP Act
[H.R. 763] Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act
[H.R. 6463] Market Choice Act
[H.R. 3966] Raise Wages, Cut Carbon Act
Co-sponsoring bipartisan ocean acidification legislation in the Senate:
[S.778] Coastal Communities Ocean Acidification Act of 2019
[S.2699] Ocean, Coastal, and Estuarine Acidification Necessitates Research Act of 2019 (OCEAN Act)
[S.914] Coordinated Ocean Observations and Research Act of 2019
Joining the House or Senate Climate Solutions Caucus:
Senate Climate Solutions Caucus—Co-Chairs: Senators Braun (R-IN) and Coons (D-DE)
House Climate Solutions Caucus—Co-Chairs: Reps. Deutch (D-FL) and Rooney (R-FL)
Planning a trip to visit the farms of coalition members in their state or district to discuss how climate is impacting their operations.
For more information contact: Sally McGee, SGCC Project Manager, The Nature Conservancy | | (860) 271-3922